Balancing Machines
Machine Features
- Compact, easy to use benchtop unit
- Efficient, economical and accurate
- To balance grinding wheels, grinding wheel packs and cutting tools
- Graphical touch screen display
- 1 or 2 plane balancing versions available
- On board memory with 240 data sets (expandable as an option)
- Ability to change desired method of balancing at any time during the balancing process
- Automatic positioning
- Automatic stop upon cycle completion
- Automatic tool clamping
- Self-calibration – No expensive calibration instrument necessary
- Balance correction automatically calculated for any machine tool service RPM
Balancing Methods
- Gramm with set screws
- Split angle with balancing rings
- Fixed position with set screws
- Axial drilling
- Radial drilling
- Milling
- Index measuring/multiple index measuring with spindle compensation
If you have wanted to balance your wheels, but lack the space or didn’t want to spend a lot of money, then the BMT 150M is your answer. The BMT 150M Balancing Kit from Rush Machinery will work on just about any wheel truer or grinding machine. All you need are the BMT 150M electronics, a vibration sensor, a speed sensor with magnet, and a balancing ring or flange on your wheel or wheel pack. Everything is quickly attached with magnets so it can be used on multiple machines.
Downloadable Content
BMT150M Brochure
BMT200TS Brochure
Rush Full Line Brochure (English)